Have you taken the TEST?
The Ministry Center is a place of learning and preparing ordinary people for extraordinary Christian service...Ministry for the Master. All last winter and spring, we worked hard, teaching, training, preparing an army of workers to go forward with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Summer was all too soon upon us, and with it came the challenging ministry of the God Mobile.
The God Mobile is a unique evangelistic tool that the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship has taken hold of the last few years. It is turning their ministry around! Why? Because it transforms pew sitters into soul winners!
The God Mobile is a simple mobile trailer, similar to what one would use at the fair grounds to sell food. However, an army of Christians man this booth inviting the fair goers at local county and state fairs to come and take a simple two question test to see if they are going to heaven or not. This intrigues this spiritually illiterate generation.
So they come, pulling their friends...Some thinking it is a joke...And others thinking maybe someone can answer those nagging questions that nobody is answering. Soon they are engrossed in checking off on a list, "I think I am going to heaven when I die....Yes...No...Maybe... Not sure..." And then "I will go to heaven because:.... I have been a good person....I have done the best I can... I go to church.... etc." They are ususally shocked to learn that all the good things they have done, according to the Bible, are not good enough to get them into heaven.
The truth that the Bible teaches is, of course, that it is not the things we do, our good works, that get us to heaven. It is what Jesus did for us and our acceptance of that by faith, repentance of our sins and turning away from the things that displease the Lord. As we share the truths taught in the Bible, basic things that most young people in this generation have never heard before, they are so ready and willing to bow their heads and pray a simple prayer of repentance, asking Christ to forgive them and come into their hearts. We are able to follow this up by giving them basic discipleship materials to help them grow in God, as well as a gospel of John, and local churches where they can find Christian friends and spiritual help.
It is so refreshing to see the spiritually hungry, coming and accepting Christ. Tears often flow down their cheeks. Thank you's abound! Entire families have come to Christ! This year alone, we have seen 1500 find Christ and forgiveness.
Perhaps you are reading this and wondering if you are ready for heaven yourself. You CAN know for sure that you are ready. God never meant it to be difficult. He made is simple enough for even a little child to come to Him. Here are some basic steps.... You can look up the Bible references in any New Testament Bible.
1. The first step is to realize that we are all sinners. The Bible tells us this in Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God...
2. Then because we are sinners, we are not welcome in heaven...BUT Christ paid our way. Romans 6:23 tells us For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
3. It is important therefore that we accept what Christ did for us... He died to pay the price for our sin. Romans 5:8 But God commendeths his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
We do not have to clean ourselves up first...He loves us, even in our sin, so much that He died for us.
4. Our part then? It is just a simple faith, acceptance, belief, and repentance. Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. That means that anyone can come to Him, no matter what you have done in the past...and He will forgive a sincere repentant heart.
5. Believe Him and then tell someone. Romans 10:9 That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. Saved? Yes, saved from despair, hopelessness, from eternity without Christ, from Hell itself...the place prepared not for people, but for Satan and demons. You don't have to go there. You have a choice. Choose Christ today!
If you want to visit the God Mobile for yourself, it will be located at the St Martin's Fair on September 4th and 5th on St. Martin Road in Franklin WI
We want to especially invite pastors and church leaders to come learn how they too can do this with their own congregations because it is transforming...not just for the sinner, but for the Christian!