The Word of God is very clear here in Romans 12:2. We are to be
transformed—changed. We are not to be conformed to the patterns of this world,
but changed, different, unique. The Bible refers to believers as a ‘peculiar
people’. To be peculiar,, means we are
to be distinctly different. We are not to do the same kinds of things others
choose to do. Why? Because we follow a leader who leads us in a different
direction for a different purpose. We are not just like everyone else. We
belong to God. We choose out of our love for Him to follow Him in obedience. We
are to do the things that please Him most.
We recognize that as the people of God, as the church, we have a
different purpose. He has transformed us from darkness to light. Now we must discover what our true purpose in
life is. We need direction. That direction for our purpose is found in the Word
of God.
Our Purpose:
In a recent radio broadcast, a well known speaker declared our purpose as the church, to be one of declaring and
upholding the doctrines of God. We are to get into the Word, know what it says,
understand it, and proclaim it. We are
to hold the line theologically, in a world that wants to twist the Bible truths
to suit their own personal agendas.
There are many voices out there, and if we are not securely grounded in
the Word, we can be easily swayed by strong opinions. Today’s generation wants to believe a
different gospel. They want to think that the love of God supersedes the
justice of God. They just cannot imagine that a loving God would send ‘good’
people to hell. The Bible clearly teaches us that our goodness is like a filthy
rag. In us dwells nothing good. It is only through the cleansing blood of Jesus
that we can become good, becoming like Christ.
It is nothing we can ever do that can make us righteous in the sight of
God. It is only what Christ has already done and our willingness to accept it
that can prepare us for eternity. God does not want to send anyone to hell. It
is not his desire. He sent us Jesus to change our direction and make a way for
not only the Jewish people, but us Gentiles.
He transforms us by the power of His cleansing blood. Transformation means we are not what we used
to be, but we are totally different, a new creation. As a new creation, we have a whole new
purpose for being. It is not self directed, but God directed. As the ‘church’ we are to be the ‘called out
ones’. We are to be called out of this godless world with all its humanistic
ideas and false teachings. The church—us—is to be holy. “...Christ loved the church
and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing
with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant
church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless”. Eph 5:25-27 While the many
emergent church leaders want to change the nature of the Christian church into
a new image suitable to the unsaved masses, the Bible declares a different
message. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 we read “All scripture is God
breathed and is useful for teaching correcting and rebuking and training in
righteousness. So that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every
good work.. “
We must stick by the Book. It is our
foundation for a faith which cannot be moved.
The Rob Bells of the emergent church movement want us to think that a
loving God would be welcoming to all faiths,
and that somehow He would make a way for good people everywhere to
escape the judgment of hell. They neglect to read the entire message that
declares the exclusiveness of the gospel
message as Jesus presented it. He did
not declare that He was one of many ways to find faith. He said, “ I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the
father but by me:” John 14:6 There is no other
way. Jesus also declared that it takes a
decisive choice on the part of each individual person. We all know John 3:16 “For God so loved the world
that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not
perish but have everlasting life.” The word ‘whosoever’ lets us know that each person...each whosoever…
must believe. That is our choice if we want everlasting life. Its not my goodness, or yours that will pave
our way to heaven. It is His goodness,
His righteousness, His love that is accepted by sinful men with repentant
hearts, that will bring us into eternal life and heaven.
Our distinct purpose as the people of God is to uphold these truths, to
declare an uncompromising gospel message. The church is not called to
compromise the truth to make it palatable to the sinner. It is to teach the
truth as Christ presented it in the scriptures.
When we accept with open arms all other religions, such as Buddhists,
Hindus, Muslims, Taoists and Confucians because they have a small measure of
truth in their systems, we compromise the truths of the Bible. Peter said in
Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under
heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” It is an exclusive group...led by
Jesus Christ. Salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone.
We are warned in Scripture that in the last days of time, ‘perilous times
will come’ (2 Timothy 3:1). It states that people will not endure sound
doctrine but will have ‘itching ears’
and will heap up for themselves teachers who will lead them into fables,
turning them away from the truth. Our humanistic ways will lead us to disaster
if we let it. We must instead choose
carefully, cautiously those who teach us the truth. Do they preach the
uncompromising message of the bible? Do they know sound doctrine? Are they
easily swayed by self-motivated teachers?
In a recent radio broadcast, one
Bible teacher clearly proclaimed the trouble the compromising church is in. He
warned us of pastors who follow the ‘trends’ instead of the Word. The message
of the gospel may be uncomfortable for the sinner, but if heeded it will bring
great comfort and cleansing from sin and a way to escape the promised judgment
of God.
We are often awash in a sea of misinformation about what the Bible really
teaches us. It is time for believers everywhere to take a stand and boldly
declare the truth as Christ taught it to the disciples. We are called to
minister the truth to the lost and we must know what the Bible says to do
so. Let us be truly transformed so we
can transform our godless world in the image of Jesus Christ! J. Johnson
reports and prayer requests…..
Pray for revival! Pray
for those whose lives are filled with arrogance, struggling with
forgiveness, anger and doubt.
Pray for the Johnsons as they seek a new
place of full time ministry...a church that needs loving leadership. Pray
as they intermin pastor in Wisconsin churches. Pray for
grieving families who have lost loved ones (R.
Janowski family, E. Yingling family). Pray for Evangelists, Missionaries,
and Teachers. . Pray for
US Army Chaplain Steve Maglio.
Pray for those needing a healing touch in their bodies: J.
Berens (cancer) Rosemary (chemo treatments) Joyce Johnson (healing her muscles
and feet —neuropathy and second round of chemo) Praise the Lord, Joyce’s tumor
is gone! Pray for
those who are in a famine of the Word of God. Pray for the nation, for the
President, for our service
Dear friends,
Please continue to pray for us as we seek
God’s future for our lives. Praise the Lord! We are so thankful and so
appreciate each of you who take the time to pray and write. Your financial
gifts are so important and needed. Even though the tumor is gone, we continue
to face many added bills from the treatments for Joyce’s cancer. Your cards and
notes are so encouraging. God bless you all! God is faithful and we anticipate
great things in the future……Serving the Master!
David and & Joyce Johnson
is getting stronger each day. We rejoice in the Lords touch. She is having a
second round of chemo to treat two lymph nodes and to clean up any remaining
unseen cancer cells. Join with her in faith and prayer for complete victory!
God is able!